Monday, September 15, 2008

Courtesy in the Halls

Does anyone else have this problem? The bell has rung to change classes. You try to role-play salmon spawning as you work your way up the hall. The biggest problem, though, is the groups of students that just stand. Right in the middle of the walkway. And then are angry with you for coming too close to them.

I read the Words of Wisdom every morning at our school and I looked hard today for one that said, Move out of my way! But, alas, that was not part of the wisdom portfolio. There were plenty concerning respect, though, and that is close. But how do we train our students to be respectful in the hallways? How do we teach them to get out of the way? To move expeditiously? I'm interested in hearing anyone else's solutions for this one. This is just my rant of the day!

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