Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Lord of the Flies project

As we near the end of the novel, it is time to start thinking about the final project for Lord of the Flies. In pairs, you are going to reformulate the text. You will transform the novel into another type of text.

Here are some options:
  • comic book
  • picture book
  • ABC book
  • Cumulative Tale Structure (like I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly)
  • If-Then Story (like If You Give a Mouse a Cookie)

Go ahead and start thinking about your project. More information is coming soon. For those of you who are borderline already, it wouldn't be a good idea to take this lightly!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Good Readers

Who are some of the good readers that you know?

What do they do that makes them good readers?

Are you a good reader?

Monday, March 20, 2006

Two Questions for You

When you are reading--

How do you know when you are confused?

What do you do when you are confused?

I will consider your answers a quiz grade for the 4th nine weeks!