Monday, December 14, 2009

'Twas the Night Before Exam Week

'Twas the night before exam week,
and all through the school,
students were cramming
and acting a fool.

They all want extensions!
They need it, they swear!
If only they'd been concerned,
instead of brushing their hair.

The calculators are clicking
as they average in haste
and wondering how
such a low grade did they make.

"How will I ever,"
they exclaimed all distraught,
"Memorize this stuff!
This is all for naught!"

You should have learned it,
as we went along.
Then you wouldn't be stuck cramming
all evening long.

Instead you could relax,
leave your boots by the fire,
instead of feeling as though
you were stuck in the mire.

So while others are laughing
and kissing under mistletoe,
you, my dear student,
must figure out what you know.

For it's exam week for you,
This last test of the year,
and you can show all your teachers,
that sometimes you do hear.

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