Thursday, November 17, 2005

Writing Portfolio

The writing portfolio that we have been generating in class is due December 2nd! It will be here before you know it. Be sure that you have the following pieces in your portfolio:

  1. Snapshot #1 (a look at a moment in time with one person that you know well)
  2. Scary Experience
  3. Snapshot #2 (a second moment in time with the same person from #1)
  4. Thoughtshot (how has this person influenced you? how do you feel/think about them?)
  5. Childhood Experience (told from present tense, as though you are that child)
  6. Childhood Experience (same experience, from past tense)
  7. Tinted Snapshot (describe a place you know well through one of the following filters--you just won ten million dollars or you just accidentally killed your best friend)
  8. Tinted Thoughtshot (develop a character with a problem and write the thoughtshot tinted through that situation)
  9. Emotional Filter (describe room 108 through a filter of any emotion)
  10. Exploded Moment (write about a moment from your life that seemed to last forever, but actually did not--extend the moment)
  11. Snapshot #3 (this was based on a picture we viewed in class--if you are missing it, you will have to come see me AFTER SCHOOL)
  12. Build a Scene (from the Elizabeth I activity)
  13. Poem with Two Voices (this will accompany the Sir Phillip Sidney poems)
  14. Sonnet

These pieces have to be typed and presented in a report folder on the 2nd. Please choose one piece to read aloud to the class. This portfolio will count as two major grades!!!


Dianne Hartness said...

I'm glad to hear such positive comments! I'm also glad that I found something you can all enjoy.

LB--Include as much as you want...just make sure its all free of errors. This is your finished product, so take pride in it.

Sam--From here on out you are on your own. December 2nd is a week and a half away, so get cracking, chica!

Dianne Hartness said...

Yes, everything has to be labeled. Look at your handout, the descriptions, and figure out what is what. Don't wait until Thursday night to do this, though!

Dianne Hartness said...

We will continue writing next semester. We'll do more research writing, as well as creative writing. I'm glad you've enjoyed it so much!

Dianne Hartness said...

There will be no points taken off for having to rewrite them, but they have to be on time. As far as length, they have to fully cover the expectations of the assignment. If you just turn in a bunch of paragraphs that aren't written well, then you can't expect to pass the assignment.

Dianne Hartness said...

Portfolios will count as 2 major grades!

Dianne Hartness said...

Think of the exercises we did where you wrote down all of your thoughts. Try to really tap into what you are thinking and feeling about things. I feel that freewrites help me the most. You know, journal-style writing.

Dianne Hartness said...

Brandis--You choose the emotion. See the post or your handout for what you are to describe.

Patrick--It will be more mixed up second semester. I just want to get these portfolios out of the way. Wait 'til you see what is coming at you after Christmas!

Dianne Hartness said...

James--You will get your portfolio back at the end of the school year. Its important to take it with you. In fact, I think you'll be surprised when you get in your twenties and you like reading what you wrote way back when. Its a good way to remember.

There is no time limit about sharing. Find a piece that you are comfortable with. I know that many of us hate sharing and hate reading aloud, but its good to experience it now, when you are with friends, instead of strangers. Find a piece that you are most comfortable sharing and run with it.