Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Another year over...another just begun....

Here we are at the end of yet another semester.  Time really flies--which is a good thing, since my state representatives have introduced a bill that would keep me working until I'm 62!  But that's a story for another day.

I'm sitting on the tail-end of another semester and trying to recapture that excitement I had just 17 weeks ago.  I'm feeling like I have fallen short of all of my idealistic goals.  I'm doubting my own effectiveness.  This is not a happy place to be. 

So it is time to move forward with a new attitude, maybe some new goals, and a renewed sense of excitement.  It is time to reexamine my classroom practices...which are for the best of the student?  Which will help us find success on standardized test?  Which standardized test should I even take into account?  It's a lot to think about.  And all I want to think about is the break.  And how wonderful it is going to be.  :)

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