Friday, May 14, 2010

Down to the last few Fridays

In just a few short weeks, Fridays will be meaningless. For now, though, they are treasured.

The end-of-school fever has set in. We have end of course tests next week, followed very quickly by final exams. Are the children worried about those? Of course not. They only know that summer is near enough to sniff out and that they are ready for it.

The end of the year means some different things to me. At this point, I have hopefully covered all the standards tested next week. This is a chance for me to look back at the year and decide what worked and what didn't. This is a chance for me to start planning ahead for next year.

Next year, I will go in with a concrete plan. I will go in ready to tame the freshmen beast with daily routines and procedures that will ensure safety and comfort.

Next year...I think I said that last year.

One year, I'll actually get it right.

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