Thursday, January 12, 2006

Stems 21-24

  1. -i plural
  2. jus law
  3. lum light
  4. ann year
  5. apo away or up
  6. sen old
  7. sol alone
  8. bas low
  9. rogat ask
  10. parl speak
  11. potent power
  12. surg rise
  13. log word or reason
  14. gram writing
  15. cant sing
  16. reg rule
  17. pro forward
  18. gyn woman
  19. ag to do
  20. act to do
  21. mob move
  22. sess sit
  23. fic make
  24. nounce tell
  25. andro man
  26. an- without
  27. ab away
  28. mel song
  29. aden gland
  30. aer air
  31. alb white
  32. ase enzyme
  33. ep on
  34. hum earth
  35. -be life
  36. bon good
  37. struct build
  38. chlor green
  39. cyan blue
  40. cyt cell
  41. diplo double
  42. dys bad
  43. eco house
  44. emia blood
  45. enter intestine
  46. eythro red
  47. idio peculiar
  48. exo out
  49. im not
  50. fil thread

1 comment:

Dianne Hartness said...

Yeah...such a brilliant idea that you didn't even remember the address.