Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Why is it not working?

Have you ever had one of those years (yes, years, not days) where nothing you try seems to work?

For heaven's sake, I am a trained literacy coach. I know how to teach. I've taught all levels. I've taught all kinds. I've taught kids who are now serving 25 years for serious crimes. And we got along fine! But I am very close to throwing in the towel because of one of my classes.

I've heard about "that" year. I've heard teachers refer to years in their careers that were horrid. I never thought I would have one...until I realized I was in the middle of one. And now what do I do?

So I've tried projects, busy work, tons of quizzes, group work, individual work, lecture, whole group instruction, and one on one instruction. Today I tried writer's conferences. I know what it takes to make them better readers and writers, but if you can't get through a paragraph without stopping to call down five students for noise, then you can't really get your point across. My conferences were totally ineffective today. I know that because I couldn't focus on one paper to give it justice without having to turn my attention to someone else.

I've tried strategy lessons. I've tried packets of activities that allows them to find their own answers. I've done just about everything that I can possibly think of. So now I'm contacting parents and about to get the administration involved. For some of these kids, it might be the first time they've ever been written up. I'm sure it won't be the last. But for my own sanity, I need some help.

I feel totally ineffective today. Even though my freshmen were little angels all day long, I've ended my day on a sour note. I sometimes understand why people drink themselves into oblivion...I'd give anything to forget.

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