I've found myself with very little to say these days. But today, my temper got the better of me and my printer took a licking for it.
The long and sordid tale began last week. I installed new ink cartridges. They seem to run out so quickly these days! After I put in the new ones, I noticed they were a little more noisy than usual. To really spell it out for you, I felt like a machine gun was shooting right beside me and I found myself cowering in my chair for fear that it would take me out. Once I got used to it, I was then subjected to the embarrassment as people wandered by my office door and wondered what in the world I had gotten into now. One student insisted that it would go away with time. The same thing had apparently happened at her house. Well it didn't just go away.
In fact, it got worse. No, it didn't actually start shooting at me, but it did start to take paper in. Over and over and over again. Let me go in depth here--if I tried to print, it would pull the paper halfway through the printer and then stall. I would press the resume button and it would take off. It would just pull through piece after piece until I either took the paper away or pulled the plug. (At one point I thought it was possessed. I swear it was working without the plug, but no, I had pulled out the computer cable. That would make for a better story, though.)
This went on all day today. Not even the person at HP Tech Support had any idea what would cause this poltergeist to attack my printer. So I did the only think I could do--I went a little Office Space on it. Nothing actually broke, although I'm not beyond that yet. But I did slam it around a few times. Surprisingly enough, this did not make it want to work for me! I know, the mind reels!
Luckily I had a back up and we are up and running. It's tempting, though, to take that ol' printer out to a field with a baseball bat and give it a piece of my mind.
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