Saturday, November 12, 2005

What are you reading now?

We are halfway through the second nine weeks and you should be finished at least one of your AR books. By this point, you should have read at leat 3 books, preferably more. Which one has been your favorite?

Think of the one that you have enjoyed the most. You will present this book to class in December. For right now, talk about it here. Why did you like it? Who would you recommend it to? Why did you pick it up?

I recently tried reading She Said Yes by Misty Bernall. This book looks at the life of one of the students who died at Columbine High School. When asked by the killers if she believed in God, she said yes. Its fascinating that she took to ultimate stand for her faith, yet died for it. I wasn't able to finish this book, though. I didn't hold my interest (although I know several others who have read and been unable to put it down.)

I also read Breaking Point. This book takes a close look at the things we do to be accepted. Great book...insane twist at the end.


Dianne Hartness said...

SAm--have you ever read any of hte Anne Rice vampire books? I would think that you would love those...they are very good. They were very popular when I was in school. (Ages ago.)

Dianne Hartness said...

April, as far as a book to read, have you tried The Secret Life of Bees by the same author as The Mermaid Chair, Sue Monk Kidd? Stephanie Calderon read that and really liked it. And its AR. Also, what about Speak? That's always another option. As far as the project, its totally up to you. I'm glad you are finding things on that sheet that you are interested in doing! :)

Dianne Hartness said...

Patrick--Check out A Million Little Pieces if you get a chance. Its the same type content as Go Ask Alice, but it is in fact true. I'm reading it right now and it is really good...disturbing, but good.