New reading for me...
I picked up the new Harry Potter today in the library. I think I am going to tackle it over the weekend. I'm in the middle of a Patricia Cornwell novel that I've enjoyed, but I'm kinda excited about the new Harry Potter. Any of you read it over the summer?
I totally agree...I'm about halfway through and most of the reading I've done has been today. There's some cool stuff happening and I'm no where near the climax or even the revelation of the main conflict. It takes Rowling a long time to get to where you know who the enemy truly is. But its cool, though.
Drew--I haven't finished it yet...I am reading this one very slowly b/c I have so many other things going on. I have heard that it is comparable to "The Empire Strikes Back" in the Star Wars series, so that gives me some ideas to what I am looking for at the end. Isn't this the next to last book for her?
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