Monday, September 20, 2004

DISCUS Instructions

All classes are currently using research for projects. DISCUS is a great resource for you to use and some of the information can even be counted as a print source!

To use DISCUS--
  • Go the the district website at
  • Click on DISCUS at the bottom center of the webpage. This will take you to a page entitled "South Carolina's Virtual Library."
  • From here you have several choices. There are encyclopedias as well as newspapers and periodicals.
  • I RECOMMEND the Gale-Infotrac section. This will take you to a new page with more choices. Click on the "General Reference Center" and type your topic in the box. The information you get back will usually be more than you can use!

Use DISCUS at home or at school with these instructions.


Dianne Hartness said...

You can use DISCUS to research just about anything...any subject, any topic. It has a variety of resources together on one site. You should definitely check it out, for me or for another class.

The Humanity Critic said...

Hey, I enjoy the blog, just adding my two cents..Take care..