So I'm crunching surveys from our tenth graders on reading. I really want to honestly know if they are reading and if their attitudes are changing. I don't want to bust anyone. I just want to know...and boy am I starting to know...
The most interesting insight from these surveys so far is the students who believe that SSR is a good thing. They believe that SSR will improve their vocabulary. They don't read outside of school. SSR is their big chance to spend time with a good book, yet they aren't doing it. They are missing their golden opportunity because their teacher doesn't particpate/believe in SSR. I thought the teenagers were supposed to be the hard ones to win over.
I find it heartbreaking that students see the good in a practice, yet the teachers aren't willing to take the time to invest in it. Students that obviously would not be readers outside of school aren't being given the chance to be readers inside of school. Now that's malpractice.